Starting to develop the Expert Oriented Organisation
What is required to start developing an Expert Oriented Organisation (EOO)? A ‘SENSE OF URGENCY’, the not to be suppressed feeling that something needs to change. Does everyone need to be feel the urge of change? Not really. The issue is to start things up. How do we do that? Just start and develop the necessary vision along the way. And you will do it all yourself. At first with the people who see the relevance. Others will follow when, of course slowly at first, the environment changes. And….. don’t postpone, start now. As a navy commander put it “become brave by acting brave”.
Do you wish to start immediately? EAGR will be pleased to support you. Do you want to get a feeling of what the Expert Oriented Organization can imply for you? EAGR gladly organizes a Workshop Getting Acquainted with your EOO.